
Newish news!

Excited to share that I've been invited to join another fitness/health space ~ Bodywise Rehab Services here in town. I'm especially excited because I'll be getting to teach on Pilates equipment such as Reformer, Cadillac, Chair... etc. Oh how I've missed equipment!!

Details to follow... class times, etc.

I need to add up my Instruction hours, as I just realized that it may be well into the thousands ~ and it would just be fun to know.

I'm realizing how much I adore Pilates and what it means for our health & well-being. It's so body intuitive.

For instance, I can hardly wait to do Tree on the Reformer! ;D

I'm a Pinterest addict ~ and I DO use the ideas I save there. Here's my latest collection:


and here, clean, healthy eating ideas:


and here, more of my favorite good 'ol fitness inspiration & encouragement:


Until next time ~ jynene



...that's a wrap!...

no pun intended. ok. pun intended.

You live in this!
Question: Strong or Weak?
Used? Unused?
Let's work it!


Class Offerings...

Now teaching Mat Classes Monday and Friday @ Noon, {beginner} and Friday 1PM {intermediate/advanced}
ExerFlex Health & Fitness - 709 Palmer, Salida, CO
(719) 539.3408
...and @ Peak Fitness, Monday @ 4:30 -
 620 Antero Circle, Buena Vista, CO
(719) 395-3951

Attire: comfy, soft, easy to move in – but not too loose and bare feet. Loose short-shorts not recommended. :o)
Please practice on an empty stomach, (a small protein snack is fine) and stay adequately hydrated.

Classic Pilates classes will be on the floor on a mat, but we can change it up for fun and variety by adding stability balls, small equipment, etc.

It is recommended that you practice Pilates twice per week for maximum benefit. You will be retraining muscles which have a memory, so consistency is key!

Have Mats? I’ll Travel! I will come to you if you have a group of friends/co-workers who are committed to working through a specific number of classes, including the Privates to begin. We’ll need a large open space, clean and comfy, distraction free and each participant will need a Pilates mat. Group rates will depend on numbers and mileage. I'm willing to travel approximately 30 miles from Salida, CO.

Instructor: Jynene Hartman, Certified in Mat, Reformer 1, 2, 3, Tower, Cadillac, Arc & Barrel. {After this weekend I'll be able to include Mat II -through Advanced - Balanced Body Univeristy, and Anatomy! Yay!**}

**I did it!** I'm getting there...

Approx. 475 hours practicing Pilates as a client, hundreds of observation/training hours and approx. 200 teaching hours. I will be continuing through certifications and education.

What is Pilates?

...the CORE Focus...
-this is a system of quality, precise body conditioning specifically designed to strengthen, lengthen, improve flexibility and posture, tone and teach attentiveness to YOUR OWN biomechanics. Most of us are completely out of touch with our body- unless we're in pain! Pilates is Intentional Self-Care. For Life.
WHO? Pilates is for everyone of all ages and abilities. Pilates meets you where you are physically. Young and healthy, old and stiff; desk-sitter to athlete, couch potato to weekend warrior.
With time and patience, Pilates teaches you to employ Your body, mind and breath to move and grow into a taller, stronger, happier and more confident person. You'll learn the tools to take into every aspect of life; work, play, sports and rest.
Joe's Story: Joseph Pilates was born in Germany to Greek parents in 1880. He was sickly and weak, the victim of rheumatic fever, rickets and asthma. Determined to overcome, he began as a child to explore forms of excercise and body conditioning. At 32, he moved to England and during WWI, was interned as an enemy alien in a camp for a year. There, he began to implement his ideas into an exercise regimen 'using' fellow inmates; combining physical fitness with breath work and concentration to build CORE strength and flexibility. Later, working as a hospital orderly, he began working with wounded and disabled veterans left atrophying in hospital beds. He devised exercises using hospital beds, their springs, parts and even his own body weight to move and exercise them - and with great success! Current Studio equipment and apparatus still resemble his early inventions. In 1923, he emigrated to the US where he began the very first Pilates Studio in NYC. Gaining notoriety, he became trainer to many famous ballet dancers and even boxers. He continued inventing equipment and eventually, training a chosen few to carry on his work. Today there are thousands of Pilates Studios worldwide. 'Elders' work to preserve authentic Pilates.

What is a Private?

The practice of true Pilates begins with systematic instruction in the key principles and movements of the method. These important steps are requisite to being able to perform true Pilates properly and with maximum benefit. Pilates Movements used in a gym setting or copied from a DVD are just that…Pilates Movements. This can be a waste of your time at best, and a dangerous source of injury at worst.

In Private sessions, after we’ve covered our agreement to work together, your health history as well as your personal needs and goals, …you’ll receive individualized, careful instruction as we work through a checklist of fundamentals, including the essential patterns of movement, breath work and basic exercises. When this checklist is completed {approximately 4 sessions} you’ll be prepared to safely join into the flow of a Beginning Mat Class. This series of sessions takes commitment and patience… & are the best beginning to your new practice of purposeful self-care; one you’ll carry through the rest of your life.

Joseph Pilates said of Contrology (now Pilates), ‘A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion.’

Work smarter! Not harder…

If you already have experience with Pilates, we’ll just need one session as we’ll be able to work very quickly through our checklists.
Some are such fans of Pilates Private Sessions that they prefer those to joining a class; some prefer frequent refresher sessions.

You’ll be investing in health and happiness.

'This is the equivalent of an "internal shower". As the spring freshness born of the heavy rains and vast masses of melting snows on mountains in the hinterlands cause rivers to swell and rush turbulently onward to the sea, so too will your blood flow with renewed vigor as the direct result of your faithfully performing the Contrology exercises.' -Pilates


Spring has sprung... beautiful weather here, but windy. kites anyone?
going for 3 more days of certification. so exciting...
brainstorming a lot of ideas.
grateful, jynene

see you in the funny papers...


...don't you just love a new beginning?

this morning...
spring in the fresh, crisp air
blossoms forming

working on details here
opening this NEW tiny
Pilates workshop...

in the air too...